New Beginings

Finally,  fall semester has started. I’m not like most students who dread school starting, I actually look forward to it. I love learning new material. I love getting into a routine and challenging myself to do better each semester. It is so rewarding to go to class and actually do well in the class. However, as much as I love school, it does stress me out. I really do struggle with managing my stress and anxiety.

Lately, I have had some issues with my anxiety, I have had more attacks recently than I have in a while. It may be because I have been house sitting and have been alone more often than before. Either way, I need to work on managing it better. I know what triggers some attacks but sometimes they come out of nowhere. Like at night my anxiety tends to be higher than during the day time. I use to wait up all night until the sun started coming up to go to sleep because my anxiety was so bad. At this point, it is not that bad, but at night I do tend to worry more and have an attack, especially since I am at a house that is not my own and I am alone in it. Whenever I move out, it’s going to be hard. I want to live on my own but I also feel I will need a room mate, just to keep my anxiety down.

Aside from starting a new semester, I have started working for my school’s newspaper, The Lasso, I absolutely love it. I feel like this new experience will open up many doors for me in the future. I will be able to challenge myself even more with my writing and my name will actually be in a paper that people actually read. I’m getting closer and closer to reaching my goal of having my name known.

I still plan on making a difference with my writing and I know I will one day. I have already touched many hearts of those around me with some of my poems. Hopefully, my creativity will continue to flow and allow me to come up with more great poems and material to share with the world.

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