Two paths, One answer

I am at a complete loss. My heart is telling me to go one way and my brain, aka my parents, are telling me to go another. I know my parents mean well with my education and future in mind, but I want to be happy. I want to be truly happy in my career. To be honest I am so unhappy with how school is going, I no longer want to follow through with nursing, not that I have anything against it, I just do not feel that it is right for me. I want to do something that I truly enjoy.

I want to major in English and maybe even teach it at a middle school one day. I have taught kids before, I absolutely loved it. I loved seeing the kids achieve. I want to help young children expand their minds and grow. I want to show them a more creative side to things than the basic way of teaching.

I somehow just have to persuade my sweet sweet loving parents into this idea of teaching, to completely changing my major. I need to find the confidence within myself to do so.

I feel like I have wasted a so many hours on work I will never use, when I could have been using it towards something more relevant to what I am passionate about. I wish it didn’t take me this long to figure out what I love. It’s a little ridiculous. I hate how as young adults we are thrown into college expected to know what we want to do with our careers. It seems impossible to me. I don’t understand how some students have it all figured out, I feel so hopeless when it comes to school. I love learning but lately it has been dreadful trying to learn about things I am so uninterested in.

I just hope making this decision is the right one for me, I hope this is the path I was meant to take.

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